SDM Institute of

Ayurveda & Hospital

SDM Institute of Ayurveda ghostwriting bachelorarbeit & Hospital located in the capital city of Karnataka, was incepted in the year 2010. The campus is spacious and has state of the art facilities to confer quality Ayurveda education to its students and specialised Ayurveda treatments to the patients visiting here.

From the President’s desk

Dharmaadhikari, Reformer, Educationist, Philosopher and Philanthropist, Dr.D. Veerendra Heggade is a multidimensional individual. Significantly, what truly defines Dr. Heggade’s contribution is his determined and consistent service to the nation. As the president of the SDME Society, he is the guiding spirit and driving force behind the institution. Most importantly, he has shown that one individual has the potential to change and evolve himself as a social reformer in a nation of one billion. This is perhaps the reason why in 2015 Dr. Veerendra Heggade was awarded the second highest award Padma Vibhushan.

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About the college

SDM Institute of Ayurveda hausarbeit schreiben lassen kosten & Hospital located in the capital city of Karnataka, was incepted in the year 2010. The campus is spacious and has state of the art facilities to confer quality Ayurveda education to its students and specialised Ayurveda treatments to the patients visiting here. The college is affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore. The first academic batch was admitted to the college in 2015 – 16 and currently there are 4 batches of students in the campus with an intake of 100 undergraduate students per academic year. Academic block of the Institute is in a five storeyed building lodging all the fourteen teaching departments. Each department has its own museums, departmental libraries, demonstration rooms, tutorial room and staff rooms. Few departments also have exclusive, well established laboratories.

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About the Hospital

The SDM Ayurveda hospital has gained a very good recognition and word of mouth popularity within a short span of its establishment from health seekers in Bangalore and elsewhere. It is enabled with seven clusters of out-patient- departments such as, Kayachikitsa (Internal medicine), Panchakarma, Koumarbhritya (Paediatrics), Shalakya Tantra (Opthalmology & ENT), Shalya Tantra (Surgery), Prasooti tantra evam Striroga ( Obstetrics& Gynaecology), Swasthavrittha (Preventive medicine, Yoga and Naturopathy).

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Unique Features

Drishti Dhanwantari Eye Collection Center

Department of Shalakya Tantra (Ayurveda Ophthalmology &ENT) in association with Shankara Eye hospital, Bangalore has established a fully functional eye collection Unit.

SDM Institute of Ayurveda and Hospital has signed an MoU with Shankara Eye hospital, Bangalore.

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Students’ Corner

Student login space for progress reports, attendance and more

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Campus Life

Journey as beautiful as the destination

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Mandates as per NCISM for Ayurveda Colleges

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