
SDM Ayurveda Bengalore

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CME on ‘Critical Understanding of Chromosomal Disorders’

A CME (Continuous Medical Education) on ‘Critical Understanding of Chromosomal disorders’ was held here at SDM Institute of Ayurveda and Hospital, on May 8, organized by the Department of Kaumarabhritya (Ayurveda Pediatrics) in association with Department of Prasooti tantra and Stri roga, for postgraduate scholars.

Two concurrent sessions comprised of incisive and insightful discussions on various facets of chromosomal disorders were held by by Dr. Arhanth Kumar A., Associate Professor, PG Dept of Samhitha and Siddhanta, SDMCA and Hospital, Udupi. Second session was conducted by Dr. S. Pradeep, Director fetal medicine, FORTIS Hospital, Bangalore, who spoke about ‘Diagnostic techniques in 1 st and 2nd trimester for chromosomal disorders’.